is a fun multiplayer IO game where you play as an ant. Defend your colony and defeat your enemies. Build your ant empire and work with other players to win. AntWar is the best ants .io game available for free, better than all other online ant games!
Forage for food, hunt for bugs and insects, defend your queen, and grow your colony. is inspired a bit by other ant games, but a lot of the inspiration comes from ants in real life. Ant wars, aphid farming, etc. are all something ants do naturally!
If you are interested in learning more about ants or ant keeping check out r/antkeeping on Reddit. is owned and developed by Bombsight Games. We can be contacted there or by emailing
Feel free to contact us with ideas you may have!
+ Allow players to create private games
+ Allow gamemode selection for private games
+ Enable Co-Op gamemode for private games
+ Added Endless gamemode
* Updated Google Sign In to new version
- Removed main chat from menu
+ Added page navigation confirmation
* Acid ants now have less health and do less damage
* Fixed sandbox camera moving when changing depth level
* Wet/dry tiles now degrade slower
* Decreased food spawns a bit
* Fixed death ad not showing
* Fixed server crash
+ Added Acid Ants (They can only attack above ground)
+ Added Queen brood
+ Added attack command
+ Added plant food sources
* Centipedes now drop red food
* Improved UI scaling on small screens
+ Teams can now respawn before the first season is over
* Fixed mobile tap issue
* Improved game loading
* Queens can now enter enemy nests if the team is dead
* Fixed hibernation issue causing game end
* New nests no longer get free ants
* Queens can now leave the nest(But cannot enter enemy nests)
* Queens are now slow on the surface and cannot attack
* Increased space needed to create a new nest
* Players can now eat as the queen to create eggs
* Centipede blue food drops are no longer random
* Fixed player sometimes moving to top left of screen
* Fixed sandbox mobile menu issue
* Improved game performance for lower end devices
+ Added XP feed to top left
* Changed how XP is awarded
* Increased brood maturing rate 100%
* Fixed players sometimes being born into dead ants
* New queens are now slightly faster
* Round countdown will now not start until there are enough players
* Anthills now remove hiding objects when they become max size
* Improved attacking centipedes
* Increased centipede health
* Decreased centipede drops
* Improved queen collisions with plants
* Fixed plant shadows on screen edge
* Teams now lock after the first season
* Fixed queen menu not always showing up
* Fixed issue with singleplayer sometimes stopping
* Improved mouse movement with high latency
* Improved keyboard controls
+ Added queen menu for selecting eggs
* Eggs now cost food to be laid
* Queens no longer automatically lay eggs
* Increased brood maturing rate 50%
* Camera is now zoomed in underground
* Fixed queen is hungry message sometimes not appearing
* Fixed anthill arrow sometimes pointing to wrong nest
* Fixed players sometimes being AFK kicked while chatting
* Fixed ants sometimes returning to the nest without picking up food
* Ants are now slightly faster when following a player
* Hunger icons no longer appear for enemies
* Improved tutorial
+ Added grubs underground
* Starting workers are now nanitic (Smaller and less health)
* Days now last 2 minutes
* Nights now last 1 minute
* Increased all insect speeds by 30%
* Increased brood maturing rate 100%
* Decreased underground vision by 40%
* Only team leaders can now switch to the queen
* Fixed hyperdigging
* Fixed chat sometimes deselecting
- Disabled endless mode
+ Experimenting with endless mode
* Increased max players on a team to 10
* Increased max players in a game to 64
* Improved server performance
* Seasons now last 3 days
+ Added seasons
+ Added team chat
+ Added chat color based on team
+ Added setting to disable in-game chat
* Improved vegetation graphics
* Birthrate now decreases the more ants you have
* Food sources take less hits to harvest
* Nests can now be created closer to food sources
* Increased food spawning
* Fixed chat spam issue
* Local chat now supports different alphabets
* Max ants is now limited to 100 (Brood will still grow but will not become ants)
* Increased map size by 30%
* Improved singleplayer performance
* Fixed issue with game end showing loss if your first queen had died
* Fixed issue where sometimes there were clones of your player
* Made ants more aggressive after being dismissed
* Ants no longer return to pick up food/brood if the location is underground
- Disabled pheromones for now
+ New sprites for food
+ Added twigs, can be placed underground to create dry tiles
+ Added water droplets, can be placed underground to create moist tiles
* Teams no longer lock after first night
* Fixed food/brood stacking issue
* Fixed issue with objects appearing in the wrong place
+ Added settings page
* Improved and optimized networking
* New queens can no longer see each other while flying
* Fixed players not being able to pick up food at food sources
* Disabled queen trying to feed herself
+ New vegetation
+ New static food sources (Max 3 workers can harvest at a time)
+ New background
* Dry/moist tiles will no longer show on the surface if covered by rocks
* Modified underground generation
+ New standalone registration/login
+ New sprites for insects
+ New map objects
+ New commands menu
+ Added weather
* Night and rain will decrease vision
* Centipede now drops more food
* Queens now start off flying
* Queens no longer collide with workers
* All ants now get hungry
* Soldiers consume more energy
* Ants consume more energy when moving and performing actions
* Ants can now store food in their social stomach
* Ants will now feed other hungry ants(If they have food in their social stomach)
* Ants will now forage on their own
* Ants will now panic and run when there is too much danger
* Increased amount of aphids
* Cosmetics are disabled for now
* Earning coins is disabled for now
- Facebook login has been removed
+ New UI for every screen
+ Added global chat in game
+ Added in game team locking/unlocking
+ Added team leader kick option
* Changed max players per game from 16 to 32
* Fixed some cases where players that left were getting stuck in games
* Team leader now starts as new queen on game start
* Players with the same IP can no longer join the same game unless registered
* Decreased time it takes to dig
* Fixed more pathfinding issues
* Fixed ants running to enemy nest when seeing an enemy underground
* Fixed ants sometimes not feeding queen and larvae
+ Added max visibility of 1500 pixels above ground
+ Added max visibility of 750 pixels below ground
+ Added ability to report players
* Attacking will auto lock on when clicking on an enemy
* Accounts can no longer join the same game more than once
* Fixed ants dropping ghost items
* Fixed ants sometimes attacking friendlies
* Fixed lock on attack still attacking when target is underground
* Fixed main chat scrolling issues
- Removed underground vignette
* Fixed ants flying through walls underground
* Fixed nests being able to be placed too close together
* Fixed queens going outside with dirt
* Improved main screen chat
+ Added in game scoreboard (Can be opened with Tab button)
+ Added chat to main screen
* Fixed ants being able to attack through walls
* Fixed queens not being able to return inside the nest
* Fixed ants trying to go to another nest before returning home
+ Added sandbox mode
* Improved AI pathfinding
* Improved singleplayer AI colony foraging
* Improved phone and tablet support
* Made AI a bit more aggressive when close to an enemy
* Updated Discord link
* Hostile insects are now less aggressive
* Fixed tutorial tap issues on some devices
* Improved performance
+ Added singleplayer
+ Added new interactive tutorial
+ Added AI for singleplayer games
+ Added rocks that can't be dug out underground
* Brood will no longer spoil without wet dirt (They are now slow to grow without it)
* Fixed AI getting stuck on objects
* Decreased how long it takes to dig (30 ticks to 25 ticks)
* Limited queens to 3 per team
* Fixed create game not working
- Removed in game tips
* Digging is no longer instant
* Improved how AI follow players
* On every 25th egg, a new queen egg will be laid
* Added wings to new queens
* Various bug fixes and improvements
+ Added surveys to earn free coins
* Coin and XP earnings now factor in time played in round(up to 20 minutes)
* Increased coin amounts for coin purchases
- Removed MRE and dog tags from Veteran's day update
+ Replaced blue food with MRE and added dog tags for Veteran's day
+ Added head, thorax, and abdomen shop categories
+ Added 3 new head items
+ Added 1 new thorax item
+ Added 8 new abdomen items
+ Added glow to players
+ Added walk sound effects
+ Added glow to selectable objects and ants
* Improved switching and select follow clicking
* Updated name field to allow [ and ] for clans
+ Added cosmetic shop
+ Added coin shop
+ Added 8 new hats
+ Added plants
+ Added aphids (3 per team spawn around the map near plants, aphids near plants produce food)
+ Added super majors (Spawns per 4 majors are born)
+ Added Defend/Stop Defend command (It will lock AI in place, until told to stop)
+ Added Select Follow command (Select individual ants to follow you)
+ Added ally spectating after death
+ Added player auto attack after hitting an enemy
+ Added game list to menu
* Food now slowly spoils outside
* Improved radial menu
* Allowed switching to queen
* Changed bug, spider, and centipede spawning to be relative to team count
* Made food piles spawn relative to team count
* Made centipedes slightly less dangerous
* Ants and bugs now slow down by 25% for 3 seconds when damaged
* Fixed AI not feeding or picking up food sometimes
* Fixed issue where a colony could sometimes have 2 queens
* Fixed names not displaying for some players
- Removed Move Queen command (Use Switch to become queen and move her)
+ Added small/large centipedes
* Improved AI thinking for nearby entities and improved prioritization
* Improved lobby matchmaking to favor new games
* Fixed lobby lock issue with no players
* Fixed tiles on map edge
* Made birthrate decrease slightly as more ants are born
* Fixed AI trying to go through walls when returning with brood
* Fixed AI not always grabbing food/brood
* Fixed server crash
+ Added better damage feedback
+ Added server-side AFK kick
+ Added in game menu
+ Added shadow to rocks and sticks
* Increased super food effect time from 60 seconds to 90
* Improved dirt placement
* Improved AI job selection
* Added lock to empty teams after first night starts
* Give XP after team dies but round isn't over
* Kill all ants on team after queen dies to prevent trolling
* Server performance improvements (Decreased lag and support for more players)
+ Added rocks and sticks to the map
+ Added global message when queen is hungry
* Anthills now get bigger as colony grows
* Fixed food being eaten when dropping while hungry
* Decreased ant collision size
* Improved AI pathfinding
* Fixed server crash
* AI ants now try to place food/brood on proper tiles
* AI ants try to feed queen over larvae
* Fixed team joining issues
* Fixed double queen spawns
* Increased chat amount
* Updated all teams to auto create
+ Added simple tutorial image when first joining
+ Added underground caverns
* Tiles now dissipate after a lot of use
* Improved AI going between two anthills
* Improved tile spawning
* Made queen hunger increase slightly slower
* Improved WASD controls
* Added ants to menu
+ Added WASD controls (Space to perform an action)
* Updated radial menu to be opened with left click
* Numbers 1-5 perform radial commands
* Ctrl can be used to open radial menu
* Increased map size by 20%
* Fixed players joining dead colonies
* Made AI workers pick closest food
* Improved main menu styling (Thank you Gust!)
+ Added different server regions
* Updated main menu
+ Added private games
+ New promo image
* Updated lobby to show when joining
* Updated soldier sprite
* Improved ant collisions
* Fixed ants trying to go into walls
* Fixed players getting stuck in walls
- Fixed ants leaving after leader death
* Fixed server crash
+ Added team lock
* Improved matchmaking
* Fixed players being stuck as queen
+ Added day/night cycle
+ Added pheromone trails
+ Added edit profile button
* Improved underground background
* Optimized rendering
* Decreased lobby time
+ Added pink team
+ Added cyan team
+ Added ability to switch ants
+ Added super food
* Increased player limit to 16
* Improved dirt collision and digging
* Fixed sign in issue
- Removed AI worker follow limit
+ Added greifer auto ban
* Made queen move around less
* Decreased AI follow distance
* Increased spider start time
* Fixed team joining issues
* Balanced starting workers
* Divided AI workers per player
* Made food/brood render below ants
* Made idle workers return to the nest
* Fixed websocket connection issues
* Fixed bad name filter issues
* Fixed redirection issues
+ Added game lobbies
+ Added invite link
+ Added lobby chat
+ Added how to play button
+ Added bad name filter
* Queen is now player with highest rank
* Right click also performs action
* Fixed window resize glitch
* Fixed double lobby chat issue
* Fixed lobby spawn queue issue
* Fixed lobby balance issue
* Fixed server crashes
+ Added game count
+ Added in game tips
* Disabled AFK kick when spawning
* Fixed idle queens on game start
* Performance improvements
+ Added ambient sound effects
+ Added new spider type
+ Added ads (Sorry!)
* Spiders now have 2 min spawn delay
* Fixed stuck food and objects
* Made queen less eager to attack
* Fixed underground view on 4k screens
* Small performance improvements
* Fixed server crashes
+ Added ability to drop dirt in the nest
* Improved AI pathfinding
* Updated Goliath Beetle and spider
+ Added yellow and orange teams
* Made instructions more apparent
+ Added Goliath Beetle
* Changed max player count to 12
* Limited visibility underground
* Performance improvements
* Made queens able to chat
+ Hints on surface for moisture in tiles
+ Arrow pointing towards home
* All Follow is now +5 Follow
* Can only command nearby ants
* Larvae now need to be fed to grow
* AI now feed larvae and queen
- Removed starter nest
+ Accounts
+ Currency and XP
+ Initial alpha release